Blast From the Past
Well i had a blast from the past today. The day prior i was talking to Nick about this girl Tori, i haven't seen her for at least 3-4 years since i lived in Bethany, poof out of nowhere she walks by me at Walmart as i was working. I did a double take and took off sprinting after her and poked her on the shoulder she remembered my face but not my name and then the name came to her. It was crazy shit. Junior is laying here, with his eyes open partially if he wasn't snoring then i would be wondering if he's dead because he looks like he is, it worries me and freaks me out sometimes. Some chick got arrested at my work today. Apparently she had been stealing extra groceries, while the cashier stuck bags in her cart she would be slowly slipping food into the bags. Then she would walk through set the alarm off, well naturally a buggy full of groceries the door greeter is not going to go through every single bag and check every item. That would take forever seeing as it's groceries. But anyway she got arrested with 80$ worth of stolen groceries. I think it's funny how bold people are getting these days with trickery, and thieving it never ceases to amaze me. Well Sheldon's back from Navy Basic i wish he would call me because i've called 100 bajillion times to sort out this. I'm getting sleepy i think ill go to bed i have quite the day ahead of me night everyone.

Well i had a blast from the past today. The day prior i was talking to Nick about this girl Tori, i haven't seen her for at least 3-4 years since i lived in Bethany, poof out of nowhere she walks by me at Walmart as i was working. I did a double take and took off sprinting after her and poked her on the shoulder she remembered my face but not my name and then the name came to her. It was crazy shit. Junior is laying here, with his eyes open partially if he wasn't snoring then i would be wondering if he's dead because he looks like he is, it worries me and freaks me out sometimes. Some chick got arrested at my work today. Apparently she had been stealing extra groceries, while the cashier stuck bags in her cart she would be slowly slipping food into the bags. Then she would walk through set the alarm off, well naturally a buggy full of groceries the door greeter is not going to go through every single bag and check every item. That would take forever seeing as it's groceries. But anyway she got arrested with 80$ worth of stolen groceries. I think it's funny how bold people are getting these days with trickery, and thieving it never ceases to amaze me. Well Sheldon's back from Navy Basic i wish he would call me because i've called 100 bajillion times to sort out this. I'm getting sleepy i think ill go to bed i have quite the day ahead of me night everyone.
thanx for accepting it. glad to make a new friend
an a beautiful one to. talk to u later.