well, i feel a little bit better today. im still all stuffed up. it sucks it keeps switching nostrials. other then that my mood swings back and forth.
dont you hate it when your stoned......oh! wait! that doesnt suck. anyway when your stoned and you have 2 thoughts running in your head and you do the total opposite? for instance i came into my room and i had "put glasses on desk" and "put stogie in ashtray" i threw my stogie on the desk and about put my glasses in the ashtray. i need to smoke more.....
dont you hate it when your stoned......oh! wait! that doesnt suck. anyway when your stoned and you have 2 thoughts running in your head and you do the total opposite? for instance i came into my room and i had "put glasses on desk" and "put stogie in ashtray" i threw my stogie on the desk and about put my glasses in the ashtray. i need to smoke more.....
but i dont get stoned, so i guess thats not a good sign of my mental capacity.
i do that a lot when it comes to milk and cereal:
observe: milk in cupboard--cereal in fridge.