i think im manic....or just maybe a maniac?

well i have some shit in the works....i got an email about working at some bar booking bands. i have very minor details as of now. i know the place has its own PA....thats it. working on maybe a partnership w/ this dude who has some funds and im hoping to bring my sound guy from hoodoo....
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No, I just need an excuse to process film....

I think the heat of summer makes people stupid.
sorry about that...i didn't get in til real late, and then i had to get up before 6 to catch my flight...would have been really bad if i had missed it...next time.
nothing to report....

i hate humans, theyre pieces of shit like myself....
such an optimist! wink
so friday night i went to this toga party. it sucked at first, but after awhile things started to get interesting. first off my friends band played the party, then there was mishaps w/ fireworks(mostly involving me shooting roman candles at people), then there were bums coming in the house and begging for money and beer, stupid girls and mad funness. went to ihop and...
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The things people can do with a shot of jager....

my show tonight was pretty damn good. i broke my record of people by 4, i had 79 people come in tonight. i lost my night and have to cancel the rest of my july shows...tonight would have went so smoothly....BUT right befor the last band half the electric went out and we had to make due. the last band still sounded good.

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That sucks you had a kick ass night but they killed it anyway...

yay for boi kisses!!!
i will never be something other than a worthless mockery and when i look back i say never again but i seem to end up srewing myself more and more i just can't get it right, get it right, i've been told before that i'm a looser heading for the door i can't believe that it's happening again and i found myself laying face down...
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went and saw melt banana tonight....awesome fucking show! sexy asian chicks everywhere.....swoon!

good to see brokenalice and WSCUMFUXWADE out tonight.

on another note......

i kinda doubt about it i'm kinda sick about this feeling talking brings it out i'm kinda short on feelings i kinda got the feeling that i'm losing everyone could this be all could it linger anymore but what an endless fall...
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i threw some pics up.....finally. puke
what a poopie night...... frown
so tonight my friend jim is back DJ'in at the hassle.

gonna go throw back some drinkies, see peeps i havent seen in awhile and just have as much fun as i can. im hoping my friend scarlett is going to be in from lakeland.....yum! love

so the format for this is a beach party at a gothic club at night.....go fig.
the patio used to be my home on saturdays...

it's just not the same anymore.
ugh! there are spiders everywhere!

everywhere i walk i keep running into spiderwebs. its very annoying.

lol damn i think of that no doubt song now.....

leave a message.....
freaky! you're the second person in, like, 24 hours to comment about how many spiders there are. maybe they are slowly taking aover and nobody will notice until its too late.
annie, get your gun.
check out this chick... appears to like mike patton about as much as you do!!


she's a cutie too wink
its been raining for days and days and my back yard is a big puddle. its raing more now, but they say its gonna stop for like 2 days then rain more. theres been a flood watch since last monday and they had to open a dam in this lake to the south of us. i thought "a dam? in flori-duh?"
at least we'll be getting out of town when the next batch of rain starts up!

Yea, the rain sux...Im sorry I havent stopped by on a thursday night yet..i will one time, i promise..I just gotta get whoever im with to go along with me..cuz i hate walking down ybor by myself..a bunch of creepy people..ya know?