AHHHHHH TUESDAY! It is the day I go over billing at work! frown What do you guys think of the new set? I think they are getting better each time! BTW That is not a self shot, it is done by the dame phtographer! That is one of the two sets that were taken a couple weeks back during our trip!

PS. Thank you once again...
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Just keep up the good work, practice practice practice! and we all win ! kiss blush
Is it really Saturday already?! Nice! I got my hair done! Actually I did it myself! I got tired of going back to the salon to have everything touched up -_- It gets old after a while. I started watching Trinity Blood this morning! It gets an A++
Very nice set.
Getting there. I'm hoping I'll be running again by next week. I decided to try to heal the right way instead of rushing it. I'm just rock cimbing instead of running for the next couple of weeks.

BTW, you look awesome with wet hair. Totally different look. Very sexy.



*lol* Freakin Awsome-o Engrish lessons! I have no idea how I would handle my job without youtube. I seriously sit around and do nothing all damn day!! I know it sounds like a great job but when you work for a crack spider as an assistant manager of a building filled with two high powered law firms, and 40 other businesses under...
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OMG! I survived the week!!!! Score one for me! Damn ebay is addictive! Has anyone ever seen hellsing? Not the movie, the show. I just got done watching it a week or two back, it was really REALLY good! ARRR!!!
Never seen it. Wow you have been really prolific lately. Several more sets and another on the way. You are your photographer must work well together to come up with so many ideas so quickly. And to think you were up in Park City shooting sets while I was running my ass off in a Marathon up there. I'd much rather be shooting a set. wink Actually I loved it.
AHHHH! I found the perfect theme!! Well it really isn't a theme to be honest the outfit, and idea is just sexy!!!! And coming from a huge nerd like myself....it is extra sexy!! It is going to cost a little bit more than what I want to pay though frown But hell I know I will use the outfit more than once!!!! WOOT!!!!

NICE! Can't wait to see it. Don't you just love it when things just fall into place? Good luck with the set.
I am thinking about doing an anime type theme for my next set o_o ARRR!!!
That sounds kind of cool. I don't think I've seen one like that so it would also be unique (something thats getting harder and harder to come by). smile
I love when I wake up in the morning and everything pops (like when I go to the chiropractor) while I strech! It's all like CRAAAAAAAACK! I know it really isn't super good for my body, but who gives a shit it feels good! ARRR!!!
A physiotherapist I know once told me -if I remember it right- that the cracking can simply come from air in the joints and therefore is not bad... wink
I definitely agree it does feel damn good
Did anyone watch Robot Chicken last night?! OMG! I love it!
I missed last nights. I enjoy the show but damn sometimes it can be just so wrong. biggrin
Off topic. I loved your set. smile
Alrighty then! We (Photographer and I) completed two sets this weekend! They both look pretty good! ARRR!!!