As of today, I'm not just counting down the days to X-mas or the new year, but also to the end of my SG subscription, which I'm not renewing after Feb. 3, 2024. Not that anyone will miss me much; I haven't really been active on here in a while. And much as I love many of the girls/women on here, after 10 years it does feel as if I've seen it all - in terms of body parts, set settings, body mods and so on and it does begin to feel repetitive. As I'm getting on in years, it's also getting less defensible for me personally, to still be ogling girls some of whom could by now be my granddaughters (if my imaginary children had been very precocious, that is!)
It's been a fun time, but as all such times must, it will come to an end. I guess I'll have to find other entertainments; I've looked into stamp collecting ;-)
Best wishes to all who had more than a passing acquaintance with me here (shouldn't be too many of those left), and my very best wishes to the gorgeous girls, too many to count, who have freely shared their beauty with me over the years, love you all.