Or, tempus fugit, as the Latins of old used to say. As one of the more senescent SG members, I have a keen sense of time passing more quickly than it used to - I can't believe that April is just around the corner!
I haven't been all that active on here, just following my faves and trying to keep abreast (hah!) of new Hopefuls and sets. While my job has me doing less walking than at first, I still log a goodly 100,000 steps a week, and maybe the unpredictable onset of Spring played an additional part in me feeling dog-tired nearly every night. Somewhat earlier than usual, we've also had the first waves of tree pollen, namely, Hazelnut and Alder, with Birches coming up any day now, which affected me more than in years past. Ah-choo!
We sort of celebrated St. Patrick's Day today by going to a matinee concert at the Berlin Philharmonic, a lovely program of organ and accordion (!) music with works by Liszt, Fauré (a composer I hadn't been to familiar with) and Piazzolla, to name a few.
At the end of April, we'll be flying to Torino, Italy, for a week - a week that will need to be carefully prepared and planned. I've been reading a book entitled "111 places to see in Turin and Piemont" and we'll be checking off some of those places when we're there on what will be our second visit (the first one was just a day trip from Milan). Need to set up a few dates with those glamorous Italian SGs (somehow that never happens, I don't even meet the ones who are right here in Berlin...)
And then, in late July, the travel highlight of the year will see us cruising up the coast of Norway all the way to Europe's northernmost point. Should be fun, only I'm a bit ambivalent about the cruise format... somehow I don't see myself as part of the usual target group.
Apart from travel books, I'm only skimming novels and other books lately, among them a biography of Henry Clay and "Skippy Dies", and ever since I learned about its imminent publication, I've been looking to forward to getting my hands on the all-new 640-page biography of comic genius Mel Brooks.
And so goes my glamour- and excitement-free life. Thanks for reading, now on to a Guinness or two for a proper St. Paddy's Day celebration!