What's new in Berlin? My workplace is closed for summer vacation, and I only come in there every day for about 2-3 hours to take care of paperwork, incoming calls and such - so it's a partial vacation for me, too. Like many other places worldwide, Berlin has been gasping in extreme heat for a couple of weeks now, with today's temperatures reaching 35°C/95°F and no end in sight.
After closing up shop at around noon today, I went into downtown Berlin to have a Japanese okonomiyaki lunch at a favorite little hole-in-the-wall type restaurant, washing down that typical Osaka dish with a nice ice cold Kirin beer, then strolled through the trendier parts of the city, trying to stay in the shade as best I could, snapping some pics along the way for my IG feed. And how was YOUR day?
Love Kirin beer!
Who else loves Okonomiyaki? This one was traditional Osaka style, with added noodles and fried egg. Yummy!
A little bit of street art (street wisdom?) you can't really argue with...
I kind of liked this one... meaning "Cute was yesterday" or maybe "Cute is SO yesterday" ... or whatever.