For a final dose of culture this year, I'll be seeing the Botticelli 1415 - 2015 exhibit here in Berlin tomorrow. While they advertise the famous Venus, that painting isn't actually in the exhibit! The idea is to show the influence of Botticelli on other artists, and to show reinterpretations of the Venus over the centuries. Should be interesting!
Yes, saw it yesterday. The exhibit walked you back from today, with interpretations by contemporary artists like David La Chappelle, Tomoko, and Yin Xin, then back through the centuries. I hadn't been aware that Botticelli had basically been forgotten for centuries, when the Preraphaelites of the mid-to-late 19th century rediscovered him. Also, I hadn't been aware that he had a workshop where others toiled for him, making copies of his works that make it difficult today to get a clear grasp of his total output. Me, I just love his female faces, of which the famed Venus is just one fine example. Are you a fan of his?
@portraitguytwo Forgot to tag you in my previous comment! Here's a nice link to some of the images: