Folks, after reading about the Trump's most recent idiocy, I need to vent. I'm German, but I've been following American politics for over 30 years now. All that time, I've leaned Republican, and found something to admire or even like in most GOP candidates for high office. Lukewarm about Dubya Bush, and on the fence about McCain, I was truly enthusiastic about Mitt Romney last time around, but already in 2012 the road to the nomination was peopled by borderline fools and hucksters. This time, it's infinitely worse than that. There is a serious candidate or two among the characters running for the Republican nomination, but it saddens and sickens me that a buffoon and semi-fascist like Trump or someone like the clueless Ben Carson can be solidly at the top of the field. I have no love for Hillary Clinton or any of the Democrats in the running, but if Trump should (God forbid) turn out to be the nominee, I think it would be best for the U.S. if Clinton were elected.