I guess if I can understand this Spanish-language cartoon, anyone can. I like the message here... all too often it's so-called authorities and power structures that hold people down. I'm no enemy of religion, if it lifts people up and gives them hope and comfort, but sadly throughout history, religion has served to keep people down and to make lives miserable through guilt.
One of the parables of the early Church concerned the origins of Hell and Satan's beginning. It was said that after God created the Heaven and the Earth, and created mankind "in His image," He gathered his angels and instructed them to love mankind, His children, as they loved Him. Lucifer, the 'Bringer of Light' and right-hand-angel at the first moment of Creation, refused. Lucifer said "I can only love you, my Lord! I cannot take any of my love for you and give it to any others." The Lord God then removed Lucifer from his sight, consigning him to be forever out of the presence of God's love. That's what Hell is ... a place without Love. It troubles me that so many of those today who proclaim their love of God are repeating Lucifer's sin ... and hating God's children while claiming to love God. It is clear to me, certainly no angel, that there is room in the human heart to love many or all of God's children, not just one. How else could we possibly explain our love for a newborn? Or the next one? Or the next one? How is it even possible to hate someone because of who they choose to love???
Ich verstehe so gut wie kein Spanisch, aber die Bedeutung dieses Cartoons ist mehr als offensichtlich. Und so wahr! Ich bin auch kein Gegner von Religion, habe aber für mich entschieden, dass das Leben als Atheist einfach viel entspannter und friedlicher ist. ;)