OK so l just got a letter from NY that informs me that because of the Republican National Convention (fuck you!) I do not have a place to stay until the fucking 4th of september.. I have orientation on the 24th of August and I start classes on the 30th.. everything is already set for me to move on the 22nd.. this blows. Fuck that... such bullshiiiiiiiit!
More fun news.. I hung out with this guy I like last night and it was boring as hell because we couldn't figure out anything to do. And we were gonna go to the movies but then we ended up hanging out with my friend James and they hit it off so they were talking about music and bands and recording for hella long. And then he had to go home because he had work at 9 this morning. And while I enjoy his company I don't get the feeling he's interested and that sucks.
It doesn't help that I'm shy around him.. (I'm normally not) but when I'm alone with him I get quiet and I think sorta boring. I had plans to tell him that I liked him and just sort of kiss him before I moved 'cause I probably won't see him again and it would have been fun but now I don't know if I should. It's not like I really have anything to lose but still... BLAH. I suck.
If anyone can offer any advice I'd love to hear it.
Ok well I have to go pick up Mayu cause we're going to Healdsberg with Lesley in about an hour and 10. Talk to y'all later.

More fun news.. I hung out with this guy I like last night and it was boring as hell because we couldn't figure out anything to do. And we were gonna go to the movies but then we ended up hanging out with my friend James and they hit it off so they were talking about music and bands and recording for hella long. And then he had to go home because he had work at 9 this morning. And while I enjoy his company I don't get the feeling he's interested and that sucks.

If anyone can offer any advice I'd love to hear it.
Ok well I have to go pick up Mayu cause we're going to Healdsberg with Lesley in about an hour and 10. Talk to y'all later.

what's the worst that could happen? he says no, and you move to NY anyway? oh well.
edited cuz i am a moron who cant spell.
[Edited on Aug 10, 2004 3:15AM]