things are a little bit strange around my neck'o'the wood's.
we watched the movie magnolia last night, for the first time.
it's a little to close for comfort. it would seem that even the
mundane occurances around us evry day have a part in the story
and everyone's behaving badly. like the heat has unraveled the stitch
that held our humanity together. and so we dance around eachother,ghosts with claw's
enchanted by the sound of our own deprivation.
song of the day:
9th & hennepin
tom waites
"steams coming out of the grill like the whole damn town's gonna blow"
i remember thinking when i was small(5 or 6 years old) that
if i died in my sleep the whole world would cease tto exist!
anyone else have this fear as a child?
here's hoping the devil dont catch ya playing with his toys!
we watched the movie magnolia last night, for the first time.
it's a little to close for comfort. it would seem that even the
mundane occurances around us evry day have a part in the story
and everyone's behaving badly. like the heat has unraveled the stitch
that held our humanity together. and so we dance around eachother,ghosts with claw's
enchanted by the sound of our own deprivation.
song of the day:
9th & hennepin
tom waites
"steams coming out of the grill like the whole damn town's gonna blow"
i remember thinking when i was small(5 or 6 years old) that
if i died in my sleep the whole world would cease tto exist!
anyone else have this fear as a child?
here's hoping the devil dont catch ya playing with his toys!

You mean if you die in your sleep when you're young the world doesn't end? Oops...