Ok so for the last few months, starting somewhere during the summer time heat I started to eat the ice out of my drinks to cool me off. It worked well and I loved the fact that the ice was flavored with whatever I was drinking at the time. Stared with hard apple cider. But there were a few times when the bar I was going to was out of ice. At that point I realized its not the same and I NEED my ice!!. I could still drink a beer or so (not with ice) but it wasnt the same. Then it graduated to my Cranberry Vodka drinks. There was something that made me feel at ease whenever I ate the ice from my drinks. This habbit or OCD has gotten worse. I feel like I need ice everyday , almost everynight I have about 3 glasses of cranberry juice mixed with club soda and lemon ice, lemon ice is my favorite. I was at my girlfriends house once and I went on an ice run and I litterally drove to 6 different stores to find and Ice I could eat, apparently the stores close to her all buy thier ice from the same place and its in large cubes that hurt to chew. So now I actually buy the ice from my neighborhood and bring it to her house while I am there. Obviously its only frozen water and cant be bad for you but its the psychological need , and the fact that I think I really have an OCD now in regards to eating ice. I have to have it or I get nervous. I even Googled it this morning and I am not alone in my new addiction. There are many like me lol. So this was just an epiphany that I thought I would share. Does this make me weird?
It was nice meeting you last night!