Final Dog Bite
out of 5
Don't ask me why I waited until now.
We tried working with him
Spending more time around him and my son together.
Trips to the park
I still don't know why he Snaps @ my son.
Today he really bite him and that was my final straw
He put two deep fang bites in his leg and bite his foot slightly
It does not look good but I don't think he need stitching
For no reason...I was watching
Yesterday he snapped again and tried biting my son on the face
Scratched his lip...then growled @ me while I was yelling at him telling him to go outside.
I threw a pillow at him.
Probably not the best method but I was FURIOUS
Most places would put a dog to sleep about now.
The dogggie is old ......he might not like children
He might be jealous of my son
The cat might be stressing him out
He could be he's going to the vet tomorrow.
Things are complicated right now on top of everything else.
If someone tried to fight me right now I'd really enjoy kicking somebody's face in.
Something about the lunar cycle has everybody is on edge..
Everybody is like either bumping into walls or spilling something.
So it seems.....
I did manage to get some great marketing out today.
Still no clients around this area
If I by chance you need material to build a house....
I could definately shit some bricks.
Don't ask me why I waited until now.
We tried working with him
Spending more time around him and my son together.
Trips to the park
I still don't know why he Snaps @ my son.
Today he really bite him and that was my final straw
He put two deep fang bites in his leg and bite his foot slightly
It does not look good but I don't think he need stitching
For no reason...I was watching
Yesterday he snapped again and tried biting my son on the face
Scratched his lip...then growled @ me while I was yelling at him telling him to go outside.
I threw a pillow at him.
Probably not the best method but I was FURIOUS
Most places would put a dog to sleep about now.
The dogggie is old ......he might not like children
He might be jealous of my son
The cat might be stressing him out
He could be he's going to the vet tomorrow.
Things are complicated right now on top of everything else.
If someone tried to fight me right now I'd really enjoy kicking somebody's face in.
Something about the lunar cycle has everybody is on edge..
Everybody is like either bumping into walls or spilling something.
So it seems.....
I did manage to get some great marketing out today.
Still no clients around this area
If I by chance you need material to build a house....
I could definately shit some bricks.
it really sounds like you need to get rid of the old guy - you certainly need to rid yourself of extra stressors right now.
i hope yr marketing starts to pan out for you. i'm thinking about you, trying to send good energy yr way!