we did the ms walk this weekend. it was fun, but short and not very well organized. irritated me but, oh well...what can you do?
the office is almost done. it is looking fabulous. although it sucks not being able to help paint it. but, again, what can you do?
other than that, nothing eventful has gone on. too tired to do much right now. i sleep all the time. that sucks because i am not one to sleep a lot.
i guess that's all for now...must get ready for work.

the office is almost done. it is looking fabulous. although it sucks not being able to help paint it. but, again, what can you do?
other than that, nothing eventful has gone on. too tired to do much right now. i sleep all the time. that sucks because i am not one to sleep a lot.
i guess that's all for now...must get ready for work.

I loves you darlin!
i did have the baby! i'll put up some pics soon... thanks for asking