It has been a VERY tense evening, offset by a high amount of inebriation.
I've been sitting at the cafe/bar since 3 in the afternoon, trying to figure out how to write a Winamp plug-in that would actually shuffle music properly. Turns out that it's not as straightforward as it should be. Somewhat dejected, I switch from coffee to gin & tonic.
Somewhere down the line, the weather turns nasty. The streets are flooded, we've got hurricane winds, and there's chunks of ice raining down from the sky. The bar owner tells me there's tornados touching down in every direction outside of town, and it looks like this place is queued for mass destruction.
.... which is fine by me at this point. I realized that if I had to die by natural disaster, I'd be okay with it happening at my favorite bar with my friends.
So we waited it out, sitting in front of the big picture window, watching the chaos outside, and drinking a variety of fermented beverages. Talking shit, like we usually do.
Supposedly there were a few tornados that came pretty close to town (maybe the bar owner was trying to get us to buy more drinks), and it makes me appreciate the good times a little bit more.
I've been sitting at the cafe/bar since 3 in the afternoon, trying to figure out how to write a Winamp plug-in that would actually shuffle music properly. Turns out that it's not as straightforward as it should be. Somewhat dejected, I switch from coffee to gin & tonic.
Somewhere down the line, the weather turns nasty. The streets are flooded, we've got hurricane winds, and there's chunks of ice raining down from the sky. The bar owner tells me there's tornados touching down in every direction outside of town, and it looks like this place is queued for mass destruction.
.... which is fine by me at this point. I realized that if I had to die by natural disaster, I'd be okay with it happening at my favorite bar with my friends.
So we waited it out, sitting in front of the big picture window, watching the chaos outside, and drinking a variety of fermented beverages. Talking shit, like we usually do.
Supposedly there were a few tornados that came pretty close to town (maybe the bar owner was trying to get us to buy more drinks), and it makes me appreciate the good times a little bit more.
As for Catie, she left an explanation on my journal for her absence, take a look, it's only like a few journals back, I believe. I sure miss her words on here...
And, thank you thank you thank you for your wonderful compliments. Is it strange that I have no problem recounting my sexual adventures, but the poem left me feeling vulnerable and unsure? It's like showing someone your soul, and your words were very reassuring, thank you.
It's good to see you back...what's new? Have you moved? What's the plan now that school is done? We need to know this stuff, how on earth can we properly stalk you if we don't?