Dawn of the Dead was TITS.
Nothing like a good zombie flick to celebrate your own resurrection.
Some might argue that the Passion would be a more appropriate choice, but the last time I checked, the validity of Jesus' resurrection was still hotly debated, while the general consesus holds that zombies indeed walk among us. You need venture no further than the nearest industrial office park for solid proof.
Thesis status: got the copy finished and out to my committee. Still have some work to do, though. Think of it like this: in Return of the Jedi, the tough part was getting into the center of the death star to trash the power coupling. I did that already, now I just have to get the hell out before it all blows up.
It should be no problem, since (in this analogy) I'm motherfucking Billy Dee Williams flying the fucking Millenium Falcon!
"She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy! Now where's my Colt 45?"
Guess I've marked myself as enough of a geek for one evening.
Noonday Underground is rocking my world this evening.
Nothing like a good zombie flick to celebrate your own resurrection.
Some might argue that the Passion would be a more appropriate choice, but the last time I checked, the validity of Jesus' resurrection was still hotly debated, while the general consesus holds that zombies indeed walk among us. You need venture no further than the nearest industrial office park for solid proof.
Thesis status: got the copy finished and out to my committee. Still have some work to do, though. Think of it like this: in Return of the Jedi, the tough part was getting into the center of the death star to trash the power coupling. I did that already, now I just have to get the hell out before it all blows up.
It should be no problem, since (in this analogy) I'm motherfucking Billy Dee Williams flying the fucking Millenium Falcon!
"She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy! Now where's my Colt 45?"
Guess I've marked myself as enough of a geek for one evening.
Noonday Underground is rocking my world this evening.
"She did the Kestle Run in less than 12 parsecs"