I loathe my housemates. Living in this situation I think I have developed a sense of what a parent with young children goes through in the realm of cleaning.
spoilered for your convenience.
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Dishes left piled in the sink. Pots and pans encrusted with dired bits of who knows what. Food I purchase for myself disappears. If a sundry item runs out, it will remain gone until I replace it. regardless of the fact that I wasnt the one who used the last of it (read: toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap.)
They expand like a fungus to cover every square inch of every available surface with papers, hair pins, empty bottles, and cigarette packs. ashtrash overflow onto tables. When the ashtray gets knocked over by one of the two cats, it remains in that state until I clean it up. Mind you these are not my cats.
Dishwear goes missing only to be found weeks later emerging from bedrooms in shattered pieces with mumbled appologies. Furniture is schredded by claws with not a lick of discipline or even an feined attempt to disuade the behavior.
Lights are left on for days straight if I don't notice them. Should it happen that a bulb burns out, that light remains dark until I replace it. These are of course the lamps that survive. Thus far I have lost 3 to cats leaping from tables. is any compensation or applogy offered? No. The only thing I hear is "dont get mad, he's a wild animal" It's not that I expect the cat to replace the things he destroys. I expect something from the little fucks owner. you brought him into this apartment, his actions are your responsibility.
Since we have come to the subject of the cats. perhaps changing cat litter more than once a fortnight would improve your health you twit. I can't possibly see how rancid fermenting cat litter in a room with no open windows can be in any way beneficial to ones health. It also bears mentioning that if you keep the litterbox in a room with a door, it's usually helpful to keep that door open slightly for the sake of the cats that use it not shitting in the fucking sink. Then we come to the smell. every time the door opens the pungent aroma of amonia wafts gently through the apartment in such waves that I have been known to gag.
/end rant.
Let the landlord know why you're going.