This just in!
As if I hadn't already gushed enough about the coolness that is my mother, here is the article (and in particular the excerpt in which I with a capital ME am referenced). When I tell you I was lucky to have a mother this cool, I am not kidding, she has been relentlessly involved in music and writing and art for - EVAH. I love her SO much for that. She instilled this insatiable craving for all things art related in her children. She has never wavered from that passion...ever. She just rules with a capital awesome (seems to be my clever theme-ing for the evening). In any case her reference to her kid (in which she calls me HIPPER than her- - - "inconceivable!" - and yet - Another Shout Out to the Princess Bride). If this chick thinks I am hipper than her than I think I may have truly found the meaning of real pure content success. (and this was her message in sending it to me: "I'm still smiling...") I love you Momma.
As if I hadn't already gushed enough about the coolness that is my mother, here is the article (and in particular the excerpt in which I with a capital ME am referenced). When I tell you I was lucky to have a mother this cool, I am not kidding, she has been relentlessly involved in music and writing and art for - EVAH. I love her SO much for that. She instilled this insatiable craving for all things art related in her children. She has never wavered from that passion...ever. She just rules with a capital awesome (seems to be my clever theme-ing for the evening). In any case her reference to her kid (in which she calls me HIPPER than her- - - "inconceivable!" - and yet - Another Shout Out to the Princess Bride). If this chick thinks I am hipper than her than I think I may have truly found the meaning of real pure content success. (and this was her message in sending it to me: "I'm still smiling...") I love you Momma.
this ... is totally awesome-sauce!
cool moms create cool daughters