Let's see where i can start.....
yesterday was the 100th annviersary of the first model t to roll out of Ford's small factory on Piquette ave. in Detroit changing the world forever. And it was also a Saturday that i had to work, while being plauged with a cold. During the days events (basically me on AIM and downloading old soul music in between building cars) I did alot of thinking, about how i spend so much time and effort on my car but not other aspects of my life (even though i'm still going to do a huge project to my engine bay this winter) I need to do more things that i have been putting off in my life, I don't think i'm as busy as I feel, i need to find the time and money to improve many things on my house and make Mr. Ikea richer. Also spend better quality time with my kids, I mean i had no control over me working this weekend, but the small amount of time i have with them needs to be more quality time. So I have alot more thinking to do. but just a little money would help certain issues i need to deal with soon.
Yesterday also marked the end of an era , The last "real" tough guy died Mr. Paul "cool hand luke" Newman. I thought alot about many of his movies all day and going to see him race his cars downtown at the Detroit Grand Prix when it was run through the city streets. circa mid 80's
I'm unsure of the future of my radio show on compound radio, I know i have lots of things to check over on the poncho before the long trip to chicago for the hunnert car pile up, I need to start work on the house soon so that i get done what i need to before the weather turns cold, and when the weather turns cold i need to get to work on my car. which means i have to get my other car some snow tires and plates. My daughter told me that we are rich, rich not because money because we have so much love and such a good family.. I really try to see it that way. I should be lucky i have the job i do, and the kids i have are the best kids in the world, and my relationship has endured many hardships and i should be proud that it's made it through all it has. I guess shes right.
I don't know why i'm rambling so much here maybe it's just i need to get it out and i can write it here, wheter anyone reads it or not it's still getting it out. so onward for the real update.....
Today it's cool and partly cloudy fells to be 58'ish out right now
I'm drinkin my second cup of black coffee, in my boxers and an old skate tee
I'm listen' to Miles Davis - So What, looking at leaves already on the ground outside and looking at demolitionkitten's 59' series 62 cadillac sedan deville out front, and hearing ethan whine because i sent him to his room for running in the house. and syds across the table making a "craft"
I'm gonna hit the grocery store, auto parts store, and gas station, pretty much there goes all the cash, then spend time with the kids on my only full day without work this week.
Then if it happens off to the clubhouse on the east side to help out with erics 31 ford.
I'll be back to work tomorrow and posting lame video and pic blogs as usuall again i guess.
Have a good sunday everyone.
yesterday was the 100th annviersary of the first model t to roll out of Ford's small factory on Piquette ave. in Detroit changing the world forever. And it was also a Saturday that i had to work, while being plauged with a cold. During the days events (basically me on AIM and downloading old soul music in between building cars) I did alot of thinking, about how i spend so much time and effort on my car but not other aspects of my life (even though i'm still going to do a huge project to my engine bay this winter) I need to do more things that i have been putting off in my life, I don't think i'm as busy as I feel, i need to find the time and money to improve many things on my house and make Mr. Ikea richer. Also spend better quality time with my kids, I mean i had no control over me working this weekend, but the small amount of time i have with them needs to be more quality time. So I have alot more thinking to do. but just a little money would help certain issues i need to deal with soon.
Yesterday also marked the end of an era , The last "real" tough guy died Mr. Paul "cool hand luke" Newman. I thought alot about many of his movies all day and going to see him race his cars downtown at the Detroit Grand Prix when it was run through the city streets. circa mid 80's
I'm unsure of the future of my radio show on compound radio, I know i have lots of things to check over on the poncho before the long trip to chicago for the hunnert car pile up, I need to start work on the house soon so that i get done what i need to before the weather turns cold, and when the weather turns cold i need to get to work on my car. which means i have to get my other car some snow tires and plates. My daughter told me that we are rich, rich not because money because we have so much love and such a good family.. I really try to see it that way. I should be lucky i have the job i do, and the kids i have are the best kids in the world, and my relationship has endured many hardships and i should be proud that it's made it through all it has. I guess shes right.
I don't know why i'm rambling so much here maybe it's just i need to get it out and i can write it here, wheter anyone reads it or not it's still getting it out. so onward for the real update.....
Today it's cool and partly cloudy fells to be 58'ish out right now
I'm drinkin my second cup of black coffee, in my boxers and an old skate tee
I'm listen' to Miles Davis - So What, looking at leaves already on the ground outside and looking at demolitionkitten's 59' series 62 cadillac sedan deville out front, and hearing ethan whine because i sent him to his room for running in the house. and syds across the table making a "craft"
I'm gonna hit the grocery store, auto parts store, and gas station, pretty much there goes all the cash, then spend time with the kids on my only full day without work this week.
Then if it happens off to the clubhouse on the east side to help out with erics 31 ford.
I'll be back to work tomorrow and posting lame video and pic blogs as usuall again i guess.
Have a good sunday everyone.

He will always be Butch Cassiday to me
rip cool hand luke.