This is the story of a spider. A daring jumping spider named Big Mama. She was huge for her species and enjoyed praying on her own kind. One day she came upon a male daring jumping spider who had been paralyzed by a wasp. The wasp had layed her eggs in the poor fellow. They had yet to hatch. The male watched Big Mama spider... Read More
OK, so I just smashed my bro at Age of Empires II and now I am basking in the glory of my victory. Or maybe I am just enjoying this day. My friend has been talking to me about how in the future you can have your brain replaced by a computer. Immortality or T2 coming true? I want to part of it. If we... Read More
Darkly is the face of danger
and even as the moments linger
will we see ourselves as strangers?
Even as we breath the same air
our hearts are hard for one another.
And even as we find more in common
we drift apart and fiercly hate
for reasons old and reasons obscure.
Are you human or are you American?
Am I worth your ire, Christian... Read More
Everything seems better on the other side.
No matter were you are happiness is not.
The freaks that populate this place?
They are nothing but reflecters. . .
of your own dissastisfaction with your life.
And every day is a new day you can hate.
Every moment a new excuse for angst.
For anger and avoiding the things inside.
That make or break you.
And... Read More
OK, so I am sick as a dog today and I hate it. But I am slowly getting better. So my question is. . .when will I die? I mean I have felt deathly ill before but it always turns out to be nothing but normel stuff. When I was younger my brother told me this lady bug that bit me was going to be... Read More
silly! You know when you will die. The Mothman told you. Remember, sometime after the 8th month of the year that ends in 3, give or take 5 to 10 decades
So I went to see Signs, too bad it turned out to be a catholic church propaganda film. Mel Gibson's seemed to be in nominal control of his face and the "aliens" looked worse then the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I mean it is the first Hollywood film I have seen ever were I wished for more and better FX! The kids rocked as... Read More
OK so it sucks not having a car. The beach was 12 miles from the bus stop and the road was very bike unfriendly. Stupid cars. Anyway next wednesday were gonna try to take a bus to seaside and swim in the ocean. Hopefully that works out.
And in the intrest of all of you people who care. Yes we do have a chance of surviving the future. Humans are so fucked up that sometimes as I wake up I only want to stop and wait for the end. And then I laugh because you are all out their disproving the darkness and corrupting the light. Showing me their is more to... Read More