fuck okay sorry i suck at updating this. just been kind of busy. basically i got my heart broken pretty bad and it took way to long to recover. but im good now!!!
being single gives you a lot of time to accomplish things. i have a lot of paintings in progress at my art studio and im going to be featured in an art show in a couple weeks. so i've sort of been scrambling to get everything done.
ive also been running like 8 miles every day because i was ridiculously nervous about my tattoo appointment which was today.
all i wanted was a phoenix on my ribs but thad ritchey being the creative bastard that he is said "hey lets take it down to your thigh!" and i said "sure!" anyways long story short my tattoo now goes all the way to the outside of my knee cap. we did 4 hours of outlining today and we still have some more to go but im pretty stoked about it. i would upload a picture buuut im lazy but ill be in SG chat for the next couple days if you want to see it.
PS if you have never had your ass tattood and you've been thinking about getting one....don't fucking do it. one of the most painful spots, worse then the foot, shins, and even ribs. thats all i have to say ha.
being single gives you a lot of time to accomplish things. i have a lot of paintings in progress at my art studio and im going to be featured in an art show in a couple weeks. so i've sort of been scrambling to get everything done.
ive also been running like 8 miles every day because i was ridiculously nervous about my tattoo appointment which was today.
all i wanted was a phoenix on my ribs but thad ritchey being the creative bastard that he is said "hey lets take it down to your thigh!" and i said "sure!" anyways long story short my tattoo now goes all the way to the outside of my knee cap. we did 4 hours of outlining today and we still have some more to go but im pretty stoked about it. i would upload a picture buuut im lazy but ill be in SG chat for the next couple days if you want to see it.
PS if you have never had your ass tattood and you've been thinking about getting one....don't fucking do it. one of the most painful spots, worse then the foot, shins, and even ribs. thats all i have to say ha.
The pheonix is one of my favourites.
Oh and that rules out one spot for a tat
P.S.. Nice Legs!... if you don't mind me saying.