Things that make me miss you more than I already do:
* Picking up your mail
* "Such Great Heights" on the radio
* The Chocolate goes kitty AWOL
* Making my own damn dinner
* Walking past creepy crackheads on the street by myself
* Chilly pillows that still smell of your skin
Things that happen while you're gone that are ok:
* More wolf whistles per hour
* Splitting the day up amongst several bookstores and not worrying about the time
* All the cookies I want
* Leaving the bathroom door open
* Leaving dishes in the sink
* A whole troupe of lonely firemen land on my roof by accident on a hot day, asking for a cool place to remove their sweaty, burdensome uniforms, and some iced tea
Things that truly suck about you being gone:
* You're, uhm, not here.
* Making my own damn dinner
* A random team of lonely Scandinavian ski instructors suddenly decides to roadtrip it from Boston to Edmonton in the next 10 days, ravishing all men in their path
* * * * * * *
I'm trying to learn to live more in the present. I'm learning to fear less.
This is an experiment.
Suggestions = always welcome.
* Picking up your mail
* "Such Great Heights" on the radio
* The Chocolate goes kitty AWOL
* Making my own damn dinner
* Walking past creepy crackheads on the street by myself
* Chilly pillows that still smell of your skin
Things that happen while you're gone that are ok:
* More wolf whistles per hour
* Splitting the day up amongst several bookstores and not worrying about the time
* All the cookies I want
* Leaving the bathroom door open
* Leaving dishes in the sink
* A whole troupe of lonely firemen land on my roof by accident on a hot day, asking for a cool place to remove their sweaty, burdensome uniforms, and some iced tea
Things that truly suck about you being gone:
* You're, uhm, not here.
* Making my own damn dinner
* A random team of lonely Scandinavian ski instructors suddenly decides to roadtrip it from Boston to Edmonton in the next 10 days, ravishing all men in their path
* * * * * * *
I'm trying to learn to live more in the present. I'm learning to fear less.
This is an experiment.
Suggestions = always welcome.
goddamn i miss you.
are really going to get it
when i come home