The show went really well the other night, despite the cancellation of 3 bands 7 hours before showtime! managed to replace two (withthe help of Ian from SYF and Clem from Frontline Attack)and it all worked out great! Once again, thank you adamcore and Thistle for your help. You guys are awesome and the next rounds on me, and I expect you to hold me to it! So anyway, been keeping busy, lotsa shows coming up! The Partisans tonight at The 418! should be pretty wild! Last day in the studio for The Last-Chordz, then we pack up and head downtown since they're one of the opening bands tonight. Going to Hollywood with them on the 22nd, for a gig at The Knitting Factory, then back here for another show the following Sunday. Got my Circle Jerks tix last night! Finally get a chance to talk to my kid today! he's been in Idaho for the last month with his other grandma. I guess thats it for now, till next time! 666
See you at circle jerks !!
sweet dude me joe and pete put on a few benifit shows at the vets hall it was a pain in the ass but its fucking fun when you see everyone rocking out.hope things are going good in SC.shits cool hear im playing in a band again so things are looking up.well im sure i will end up in SC sooner than later.