I should really update more if I'm gonna keep paying for this site. Hi all! Married life is excellent, I found my one and only and I'm so blessed. We are taking our honeymoon this summer to WDW and then on a Disney Cruise aboard the new Disney Dream. Work is tough, but it's fun. I miss hanging out with my friends even though I'm... Read More
Life has handed me a fare share of lemons. I have decided to make grape juice with them, then stand back and watch everyone wonder how the hell I did it..
Today is the one year anniversary of my family losing our home in the Sayer fires. I went back in my blog to look at what I wrote about it. Funny. I didn't write anything. The only way of knowing what happened is by the wonderful comments my friends left for me. Wonderful People
I didn't really sleep last night, had odd dreams but now... Read More
He proposed tonight around 8pm in front of sleeping beauty's castle. I cried like someone had died, it was insane. People were cheering. I hope I can remember that moment forever and ever.
-Got high blood pressure
-Getting back into dance, starting with ballet, then jazz and hip hop, maybe tap later on.
-Work is becoming a nazi regime and I don't know how much longer I can take it.
-Fall makes me SO HAPPY I COULD JUST.....well..... DANCE!
-Since we don't have Spooky House this year or any other haunted house to build we are... Read More
Got a mani/pedi yesterday. Disneyland and massage today plus Beni Hanah for dinner with my man and then Saturday is the big party!
Got my tonsils removed Last Friday on May 1st. It has taken this long just to start eating solid foods again. My doctor also told me that because my tonsils were so big (think walnuts) that I have A LOT of more room in the back of my throat and therefor have to learn to swallow all over again.
Pair that with the healing process... Read More