When I was a teenager I hung around with the punk rock comic book geeks. The boys and the Dykes all loved the X-men and the Avengers, the Justice League and things like that. I used to wear my hair like storm and dress in like a super hero, stocking and tight shirts, short mini's and boots. As I was discovering sexuality, comics were a huge part of it.
One night I recieved oral sex while reading an X-men crossover and I was addicted. Boys started giving them to me as foreplay. Before long the sight or smell of a comic book could turn me on.
That was a long time ago, but tonight, I am sitting at my computer with a stack of comic books in my lap. A freind of mine loaned them to me with the promise of plenty more where that came from.
So far, I have been too excited to open the pages and have just felt them under my finger tips, and thought about how nice it will be to open one up. My wife is joking that I don't need any stimulation, just the books and a towel and although I am laughing at her dismissively, I know it is true.
How does this smell of newsprint and ink, the touch of the pages under my hands, the look of the comic hero, the masculine ideal that rescues himself by rescuing the world, how does this all move me with such gaurenteed ecstasy?
Am I really this easy?
One night I recieved oral sex while reading an X-men crossover and I was addicted. Boys started giving them to me as foreplay. Before long the sight or smell of a comic book could turn me on.
That was a long time ago, but tonight, I am sitting at my computer with a stack of comic books in my lap. A freind of mine loaned them to me with the promise of plenty more where that came from.
So far, I have been too excited to open the pages and have just felt them under my finger tips, and thought about how nice it will be to open one up. My wife is joking that I don't need any stimulation, just the books and a towel and although I am laughing at her dismissively, I know it is true.
How does this smell of newsprint and ink, the touch of the pages under my hands, the look of the comic hero, the masculine ideal that rescues himself by rescuing the world, how does this all move me with such gaurenteed ecstasy?
Am I really this easy?
xox from toronto