It's illegal to be this happy. I am sure of it.
My wife, is blissful. She has the most wonderful girlfriend who tops her, sexually and in play and is attentive and wonderful in every way. She is back together with an ex-girl, who she loved dearly and hurt very bad when she went away. And her wife is crazy, mad happy and in love with her.
My work is wonderful. I set my own hours, work for a company I love and do work I actually believe in.
My children are great. Even their grades are good.
And I am so well cared for by so many people I don't know what to do with myself. My wife LalalalaLoves me, my freinds love me, my sweet baboo finds time to be with me despite the fact he is busier than a one armed paper hanger and I am too demanding. (Have I said recently hour nice it is to have a sexual relationship with someone you just like being around? It's fucking great)
And today, I feel like Carrie Bradshaw. Met a beautiful, artistic Russian who compaired me to classic paintings, called me Zafdig (I had to look it up, it means succulent) He spent the entire night just carressing my skin and wispering my name into my hair. It was beautiful. I have given that kind of attention to people, but never been on the recieving end. How nice it is just to have someone run their nails along your back and leave soft kisses on your shoulders and to know that they are enjoying themselves as much as you. I cried all the way home because it was just so
f%*^$! lovely.
It's late, and i should go snuggle with my wife I just had to write something before I faded off to sleep.
My wife, is blissful. She has the most wonderful girlfriend who tops her, sexually and in play and is attentive and wonderful in every way. She is back together with an ex-girl, who she loved dearly and hurt very bad when she went away. And her wife is crazy, mad happy and in love with her.
My work is wonderful. I set my own hours, work for a company I love and do work I actually believe in.
My children are great. Even their grades are good.
And I am so well cared for by so many people I don't know what to do with myself. My wife LalalalaLoves me, my freinds love me, my sweet baboo finds time to be with me despite the fact he is busier than a one armed paper hanger and I am too demanding. (Have I said recently hour nice it is to have a sexual relationship with someone you just like being around? It's fucking great)
And today, I feel like Carrie Bradshaw. Met a beautiful, artistic Russian who compaired me to classic paintings, called me Zafdig (I had to look it up, it means succulent) He spent the entire night just carressing my skin and wispering my name into my hair. It was beautiful. I have given that kind of attention to people, but never been on the recieving end. How nice it is just to have someone run their nails along your back and leave soft kisses on your shoulders and to know that they are enjoying themselves as much as you. I cried all the way home because it was just so
f%*^$! lovely.
It's late, and i should go snuggle with my wife I just had to write something before I faded off to sleep.

Perhaps null is right, and it is because people are inclined to label things so that order can be brought to chaos.