We came home from the Nutcracker (don't even get me started) tonight, and our front porch was covered in blood. The police dismissed it like they do everything. Our house has been egged, our car vandalized and blood poured on our porch and they don't get why we are freaked out. They asked if we had any reason to suspect someone would do this on purpose and I said "Besides the fact that we are a queer, kinky, poly, punky family where one parent works in an abortion clinic and we live in an uptight, religous right, republican neibourhood."
I'm so worried. It just keeps getting more creepy and I am worried about my children. Someone tell me we're not being stalked by derranged catholic Fred Phillps following psycho-killers.
The nutcracker was a whole different blood bath. I'll tell you all about it later but let me start by saying we went with Anastacia's ex-partner who bought everyones tickets before Ana told her they weren't having sex anymore.
I'm so worried. It just keeps getting more creepy and I am worried about my children. Someone tell me we're not being stalked by derranged catholic Fred Phillps following psycho-killers.
The nutcracker was a whole different blood bath. I'll tell you all about it later but let me start by saying we went with Anastacia's ex-partner who bought everyones tickets before Ana told her they weren't having sex anymore.
Blood sounds like a planned parenthood attack. I'm supprised they wouldn't do the same thing to the clinic though.