Time and Tepature at the tone....Beeep
11:39 am, 72 degrees F.
It's summer in Ithaca.
I love this weather, unfotunately my sinesus do not, I gotta get some alergy meds.
OOOOOH before I forget about the best junk email ever...I forgot that I friended Billy Corgan on live journal. I never comment or anything but I read it like the obsessed fan that I am, and have been since I was 11 years old. So I got an email from him about the new album, video, and tour. So for those of you other than me (i know you are few) who care, Billy Corgan's solo album comes out June 21st and you can preview the video on yahoo music, and I'm gonna post tour dates later today when I get them emailed to me.
It's going to be a great day
11:39 am, 72 degrees F.

I love this weather, unfotunately my sinesus do not, I gotta get some alergy meds.
OOOOOH before I forget about the best junk email ever...I forgot that I friended Billy Corgan on live journal. I never comment or anything but I read it like the obsessed fan that I am, and have been since I was 11 years old. So I got an email from him about the new album, video, and tour. So for those of you other than me (i know you are few) who care, Billy Corgan's solo album comes out June 21st and you can preview the video on yahoo music, and I'm gonna post tour dates later today when I get them emailed to me.

It's going to be a great day

youre hot.

Disarm is probably one of my favorite songs. But in general I think Corgan's just got a cool voice. Made Fleetwood Mac's Landslide sound really odd.