PS your profile is pretty dry.
I'd suggest filling it with knowledge and stuff.
i know this is really old... just trying to get you going again...

really looking forward to shooting with you!
what a wednesday.
I had a doctors appointment, and cleaned my car, im pretty beat haha.
now im looking forward to watching America's next top model, i admit, im a bit addicted.
I just like it because A- its pretty much a comedy, B- sometimes they have great photography, C- i love fashion and modeling...
ah well

heres another cute picture of my cat, who...
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I got a cat on Sunday! We named him Marley, his original name was Kitty, but thats lame... haha We adopted him from this woman who had taken him in from her sister. Basically she was pregnant and already had a puppy so couldnt give the cat all the attention he needed. He's adapted SOO well to us, and is probably the friendliest without being...
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Was 300 worth staying up for?
Jeffy's back forever on the 17th, just so you know.
I just read your testimonial to me
Let's get married.
Sooo I'm heading to whistler tomorrow! I can't wait to snowboard again. I've been like 3 or 4 times this year, which is definitely not enough.
I watched last weeks episode tonight of cough - greys anatomy - cough. I admit, I'm pretty into the show and I don't usually get into shows. Last one i was "into" was Roswell years ago... probably because i...
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oh wednesdays, my day off from school, how i love thee but today hate thee!
I slept in, but was woken up by a bunch of men coming into my home. My room-mate brought over like 4 guys from his work, they are sheetmetal/construction guys. They've been here since before 10am and its not 11:45. Don't they have to go back to work? They're watching...
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Is that an industrial size beer bong? Also, you could walk in to the living room with all the guys you don't know and ask one of them to run to the store for you. Tell him you need some pads and you don't have time to go yourself and will pay him later. They will find a way to leave or will stop coming over so much.

Just a suggestion. It might back fire, but it would be funny.
done reading break.
visited old friend Tara in Victoria! was very good.
now back to the studies!!
I love Victoria! I'm going there as soon as I am done my finals in another couple of weeks.
I hope you enjoyed your reading week, does anyone ever actually read on it? I hope not wink
No I didn't receive your last message, weird. Can you email it again?

I think there are trend reports in the SGphotographyhopeful group. If you can't find it we can discuss it sometime if we meet up. Do you want to meet sometime in the next few weeks?
Well im on break now, tons of time to do shoots if anyones interested.

I redid my room, so happy, so much more room. I got a small shelving unit, it opened up the space so much, now i just have to get the rest of my shack in order. living with roomies makes it a difficult task.

I did another shoot for Jackfruit.
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nice photos....& no I havent asked yet...sorry....I am prob gonna do a set with Paul first in a bookshop.....then the next one will be with you I promise!!!!! I cant wait I think the idea is so rad!!! plus I really like your photography!!
I am way too tired to be up at this hour, but have to for a variety of reasons. I'm not really a morning person ahah.
Anyways, my damn bank froze my card for no reason, and of course my branch is far away from me since i moved, so im making the trip out there and trying to avoid traffic. And then I have...
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mmm sushi<3
hey your hott tmb kiss love wink
Hey all! I've just started as a photographer for SG, but I have been doing photography for years. I also am studying it for a degree. I want to do some sets, so if you're interested give me a shout! smile
Welcome, I hope you like it here. Take care
So have you been part of the site for a while and this is just a new acct?