Days are lame with no means to effectively get around. School, work (office filing and such, nothing stimulating), then a good ol' time laying in bed doing homework. Not to be whining actually, just is what it is. Playing We Love Katamari makes any day better. Any fan of the series can vouch for the soothing effects of crazy visuals and the amazing music. Katamari,...
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Another day, now capable of walking. That is a step in the right direction I'd think. Running...not so much. Time'll heal the wounds, can't be worried about that. I'm looking forward to an interesting week of walking around campus and hopefully allowing that to limber up the swollen leg.

More interesting will be taunting someone about things I won't be listing in a public blog...
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Quite frankly today was confusing. I decided awhile ago that I'm going to jump right back into Tae Kwon Do. I show up to a tournament and dominate the first sparring match...agitating my ankle so that I horrendously lose the next couple. Meaning literally that I kicked someone until I was injured from it. The concept is confusing, but the results are tangible. Walking sucks.
sounds like fight club. should you even be talking about it?
Hey everyone! I'm back after a long absence and would love to make some new friends on my new account! Don't be shy!
Welcome back!