@jozsef  Yeah, that's crap. Celebrities today are significantly less likely to have their careers ruined for expressing an opinion the studios think will cost them money than at any point in time in the past - they may have to find a new job but no one is getting blacklisted anymore. You've bought into the myth of cancel culture - it's not a real thing, it's just people whining about being called out for being pieces of shit.
I despair at this point of ever figuring out what you're responding to here but I'm sorry that nothing I wrote struck you as compelling.  I don't care about Gwen Stefani's career over anyone else's but I find the term cultural appropriation infuriating. I can't gauge whether or not you're being hostile but I have to hope it's not directed at me. I prefer that you not make my point that divide and conquer is going wonderfully well.

If you are voting for those who advocate for the institutional destruction or marginalization of people based on race, sex, gender, or orientation regardless of what else you say or do you are directly supporting those goals. If you're doing it because you think it will save you money you're willing to sell other's basic rights for your own comfort.

We both know that these ideas are abstract to the point incomprehensibility and irrelevance to the group you're addressing. Easier to simply flush them down any available toilet and move on to more cheerful undertakings.
@jozsef Maybe ... probably ... almost certainly true but I can't so here we are.
I miss having to think about elections.
Every Republican candidate seems to claim that their was widespread fraud in the 2020 elections, women should not have body autonomy, the LGBTQ+ community can fuck off, science is a lie, refugees are rapists and drug dealers, and there's nothing at all ever concerning about law enforcement in the US.
In New York they also think that people...
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I keep hoping to wake up and discover that the insane world I'm living in was only a terrible dream. If you dig a bit deeper and discover even more lies and propaganda, it really doesn't help all that much. The truth will set you free, but free to do what? I guess all we can ever do is seize opportunities to make a small difference for someone here and there. Very tiny steps, like grains of sand on a vast beach. Even so, still worth doing.
So to help raise awareness: I suffer with Severe Refractory Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD;
I have an eating disorder but there’s some mental background in that shit as well 🫠
Thanks for this

Enjoyed Thor: Love and Thunder, thought Morbius was good (not great but good), loving She-Hulk, felt the Ms. Marvel was amazing (after a rough first episode), not offended by the new Ariel, and thinking that maybe Governors shouldn't conspire to commit kidnapping. I am clearly what's wrong with America.