not sure i can articulate my thoughts super well tonight... long couple days of work and pretty tired, but i'll try. i strongly believe that cancer is deeply connected to stress... everyone i have even met (including myself) holds tension in particualr areas of their body... over time this is what i believe triggers illness and injury. as for our disconnection with earth.... i feel it makes us more stressed.... i also think we do not see the relationship with what we consume or disregard and how it literally can infect us... everything is connected. i think a great deal of what we have done in society is a way of trying to stop the inevitable... we will die one day. maybe cancer was always here, but i tend to believe it stemmed from man-made causes... i have no proof or research to back up my opinion. i just wonder why people who are ill can become healthy through things like yoga and art, etc... that's got to say something.... those are things that connect individuals... anyway just my thought... sorry to ramble!
Hi there old fellow. I was a little surprised and a bit disappointed that you didn't find my comments from a while ago interesting enough to comment on because I looked forward to knowing what you thought. In any case, I'm not berating you at all because there was no implied obligation; I simply wanted you to know that it was so easy and such a pleasure writing for a guy with so much intelligence, depth and decency, that I'm still trying to figure out how I can capture the same feeling when writing a book for an audience of unknowns. I'm in your debt for the experience and really thought you should know. If anything was offensive to you, it was certainly the farthest thing from my intention. I hope you're well.