My health is improving but my state of mind isn't. I don't find joy in the things I used to love. I think having cancer has screwed with my head.
Well I'd rather not wink But I also think that it might be a good idea to pass... wink
It's a bit hard now to relate to the silly text that I wrote 16 years ago. I was telling another dear friend to day how much I still miss you and how grateful I remain to have had a friend with such, kindness, wisdom and insight for the few months that we knew each other well. You deserved so much more than 40 years on this earth but everyone who knew you received a special blessing that they will always cherish.
I got a new cell phone today. I dropped my old one and broke the display screen the other day. Thank goodness I have been with T-Mobile for so long because they sent me a new phone for free. Cool.

I just finished Fast Food Nation. I know, most of you read it a long time ago. I started it in treatment last week and...
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I'll put it on the list. If you feel so inclined, I would love to know about said erroneous conclusions, but don't feel obligated. wink
smile thank you.
How are you?
The latest lab results are in and the news isn't good. The cancer continues to spread. The bright note is that it isn't spreading as quickly. One must look for silver linings wherever they might present themselves.
sending healing vibes your way :*
Every day I think of you and hope that you get the best news possible. Your comment about the silver linings is the best advice for us all, but not always quickly or easily implemented with serenity.
The tropical storm is here. Rain and high winds all day. Good times.

I had a flyer in my door from the company that manages my apartment complex entitled "HURRICANE PREPARATION STEPS". It was printed on bright red paper.

Item 1...

"Do not use the pool during the hurricane."

Item 2...

"The free coffee typically available during office hours may not be available during the...
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thank you. smile
sorry for not responding before.
Judge not lest ye be judged? wink It's wonderfully funny, but perhaps somewhat less so since they are actually entrusted with running the place. My dad was just threatened with eviction over non-payment of twenty-two dollars which the management had neglected ever to ask him for. They are sorry and have already exiled that property manager to the gulag, so it's a happy ending as long as one doesn't ponder the implications too much. If I can extract a property management moral from all of this, I will pass it on. smile

I hope you're doing OK, as you undoubtedly know, and that you're getting up to wild and crazy things, presumably in a properly mature and thoughtful fashion. Or not!
I guess I'm batting 500, and I'm therefore concluding that sometimes wishing does indeed make it so. I promise to keep at it. wink
Just when I thought I had life figured out...

I was getting treatment yesterday and started to chat with the person in the chair next to me. For those that don't know, most cancer patients go to a clinic, sit in a big room in a big comfy chair with other patients, and have radioactive chemicals pumped into their arm. Once you are glowing in...
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There's nothing good that I haven't wished for you every five minutes! When you called me I was not expecting to be surprised by what a remarkable man you are, but I can certainly tell you that it seems very reasonable to me that your ex-students are devoted to you and seek the pleasure of your company. I certainly feel blessed to know you and I assure you that I'm not nice enough to make this stuff up, but I've sworn allegiance to the truth and it has served me well. Thank you for writing this, old boy.
aww thank you. smile
Oh that is great that you two had a nice date.
So here is the latest. The cancer has spread to my brain and is inoperable. I just spent the last few days in the hospital trying to find a solution. We weren't successfull.

But I am committed to making it through the end of the the next college football season because I am convinced that the University of Georgia Bulldogs have a damn good chance...
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i love your main picture
haha. They're cute when they look so proud, having to take care of dead animals however is not the least bit cute tongue
Well, the news isn't good. The cancer has spread to my brain.

Good times.
Well damn. That has some suck to it.
That's sounds dreadful; I hope there's something they can do. I feel terrible that you have to go through this, Paul. Nobody deserves that kind of trouble, most especially you. I'll wait even more nervously for news henceforth and check more often.
The surgery went as well as can be expected. The cancer was Stage III (out of four stages). Not the news I was hoping for. So, after I after I recover from the surgery I move on to the chemo and radiation. Those will probably last for at least six months.

And the beat (and fun) goes on.

Thanks for the well wishes from everyone....
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You're always on my mind, old man.
I still hope that all goes well for you with this!