some randomness:
my father is the spitting image of pablo escobar. i was estranged from pops until 1993, which, coincidentally, is supposedly when the columbian federales killed pablo.
maybe today's activities will end up paying for part of my brother marcos' tuition.
last night i had a dream that i was in orissa looking for someone to teach me tantra. a friend from high school was there; she was climbing drainpipes looking for owls. the exceptional kisser was also there; she was at the edge of a market plaza. she was naked, crouching, face hidden behind black curly bangs. she was breaking clay bricks with her hands. each brick was covered in cuneiform. i sat with her, and tried to break a brick. i couldn't. i woke up.
last night, she told me that the sumerians invented law. she also told me that there was no sumerian afterlife. when we die, we go back into the dust. the mud sits up, the mud lies down: savasana.
that is enough haphazard mixing of cultures for one entry.
my father is the spitting image of pablo escobar. i was estranged from pops until 1993, which, coincidentally, is supposedly when the columbian federales killed pablo.
maybe today's activities will end up paying for part of my brother marcos' tuition.
last night i had a dream that i was in orissa looking for someone to teach me tantra. a friend from high school was there; she was climbing drainpipes looking for owls. the exceptional kisser was also there; she was at the edge of a market plaza. she was naked, crouching, face hidden behind black curly bangs. she was breaking clay bricks with her hands. each brick was covered in cuneiform. i sat with her, and tried to break a brick. i couldn't. i woke up.
last night, she told me that the sumerians invented law. she also told me that there was no sumerian afterlife. when we die, we go back into the dust. the mud sits up, the mud lies down: savasana.
that is enough haphazard mixing of cultures for one entry.
c)thanks for indulging my nuttiness.
departure and worry
still shakes me
resistance failed
and friendship failed
as lovers we did not fail...
brown eyes your pulse is getting hotter
brown eyes your pulse is getting quicker
quote Captain Badass,
" I am setting you heart on fire
so when you leave me
i will burn on in your soul".
you won't have to think twice
if it's love you will know
we get no second chance in this life.
so a hot pulse is alright
so a quick pulse is alright
so a hot kiss is alright
so a long kiss is alright
so a long night is alright
and all night is alright
there ain't no contest
against the final day
we'll rise above us either way
we're either greeted
by life or its reverse
then each day greeted
by fortune or its reverse
will you stand up for your one chance?
will you stand up for love?
we get no second chance in this life
you won't have to think twice, if its love
you will know.
I'm very proud of myself for finding those, just so you know :-P