I mean, for fucks sake, I know that we have more than our fair share of nutters and all the inbreeding hasn't helped but seriously now, what the fuck is going on here!?!
It's like all the sick serial child abductors/abusers have come out of the God damn woodwork!
Not only have we had several incidents here in the immediate area but their have been reports from all over middle Tennessee.
Just this past week a guy in Madison, Tn. chased a fourteen year old girl all the way to her house and stood in her front yard screaming that it didn't matter anyway because now he knew where she lived and would just come back and get her while she was sleeping. Can you imagine being her right now? Knowing that the false sense of security that we keep as children has been ruined forever and waiting for some sick degenerate fuck to try and steal you away in the middle of the night. And then, just this past week, a Hispanic man tried to kidnap an eleven year old girl right here in McMinnville in Wal-Mart, in the middle of the day, less than twenty feet from her mother!
What the fuck is going on, man? Fuck. I haven't slept in weeks and can't see myself sleeping anytime soon...Hell...maybe ever again. There's this old Pantera song that keeps popping into my head...five minutes alone...please, God, just give me five fucking minutes alone with anyone or all of the bastards.
I have a show tomorrow night in Sparta, TN. It's for the MTWA, the first company I ever worked full time for. As dirty as they did me at times and in many different ways it's oddly like going home again.
I am losing weight. I mean, i'm still a tubby bastard but i'm somewhat less tubby now. I've been eating much better foods and a lot less of them and i've been working out and bringing back some real muscle mass. I seriously think that the change is going to stick this time.
There's only one small problem. With the muscle i'm regaining i'm also producing quite a bit more testosterone than i've had in a while and i'm also regaining something else...my temper...and it's come back with a vengence...with friends even...and where not so very long ago I got use to trying to be polite and cordial to everyone I met, even the assholes, i've now began to tell people to fuck off. More to the point i've been telling people not only to fuck off but where to fuck off to, how hard to fuck off, and if they need a hand with i'll be more than happy to help them out with all that. I'm going to have to learn to deal with this shit before I lose it and punch somebody in the mouth.
Speaking of punching people, you ever get the urge to beat the fuck out of somebody? Not anyone specific, just because you need to blow off the steam? Damn...there I go again.
I miss SG, more to the point I miss my SG friends very badly. I know that this is going to sound all pathetic and like I don't have a life at all or any real life friends but being without some of you is breaking my heart most days.
I've become seriously addicted to Fear Factor. No point in this one, just thought i'd share.
Do you ever find yourself thinking that everything in life is going to be okay, that there is a point to all of this, and that most of all you know you're going to make it and someday be the person you've always really wanted to be all along?
If so then would you please tell me how the fuck you figured it out because me, well, i'm fucking stumped on this whole God damned life thing.
Ah well, fuck it, i've bitched and complained enough until next time.
Here's hoping everybody is doing well.
Much love to you all.
I mean, for fucks sake, I know that we have more than our fair share of nutters and all the inbreeding hasn't helped but seriously now, what the fuck is going on here!?!
It's like all the sick serial child abductors/abusers have come out of the God damn woodwork!
Not only have we had several incidents here in the immediate area but their have been reports from all over middle Tennessee.
Just this past week a guy in Madison, Tn. chased a fourteen year old girl all the way to her house and stood in her front yard screaming that it didn't matter anyway because now he knew where she lived and would just come back and get her while she was sleeping. Can you imagine being her right now? Knowing that the false sense of security that we keep as children has been ruined forever and waiting for some sick degenerate fuck to try and steal you away in the middle of the night. And then, just this past week, a Hispanic man tried to kidnap an eleven year old girl right here in McMinnville in Wal-Mart, in the middle of the day, less than twenty feet from her mother!
What the fuck is going on, man? Fuck. I haven't slept in weeks and can't see myself sleeping anytime soon...Hell...maybe ever again. There's this old Pantera song that keeps popping into my head...five minutes alone...please, God, just give me five fucking minutes alone with anyone or all of the bastards.
I have a show tomorrow night in Sparta, TN. It's for the MTWA, the first company I ever worked full time for. As dirty as they did me at times and in many different ways it's oddly like going home again.
I am losing weight. I mean, i'm still a tubby bastard but i'm somewhat less tubby now. I've been eating much better foods and a lot less of them and i've been working out and bringing back some real muscle mass. I seriously think that the change is going to stick this time.
There's only one small problem. With the muscle i'm regaining i'm also producing quite a bit more testosterone than i've had in a while and i'm also regaining something else...my temper...and it's come back with a vengence...with friends even...and where not so very long ago I got use to trying to be polite and cordial to everyone I met, even the assholes, i've now began to tell people to fuck off. More to the point i've been telling people not only to fuck off but where to fuck off to, how hard to fuck off, and if they need a hand with i'll be more than happy to help them out with all that. I'm going to have to learn to deal with this shit before I lose it and punch somebody in the mouth.
Speaking of punching people, you ever get the urge to beat the fuck out of somebody? Not anyone specific, just because you need to blow off the steam? Damn...there I go again.
I miss SG, more to the point I miss my SG friends very badly. I know that this is going to sound all pathetic and like I don't have a life at all or any real life friends but being without some of you is breaking my heart most days.
I've become seriously addicted to Fear Factor. No point in this one, just thought i'd share.
Do you ever find yourself thinking that everything in life is going to be okay, that there is a point to all of this, and that most of all you know you're going to make it and someday be the person you've always really wanted to be all along?
If so then would you please tell me how the fuck you figured it out because me, well, i'm fucking stumped on this whole God damned life thing.
Ah well, fuck it, i've bitched and complained enough until next time.
Here's hoping everybody is doing well.
Much love to you all.
You'll return again someday, just keep that in mind. Til then, we'll all be here leaving you comments.
Good luck with the show.
The same kind of thing happened to me the last time I really started losing weight. It didn't last long. I just started warning people that I was a little on edge lately and most of them were just careful not to set me off. Eventually I let go of all that anger I had been hoarding and the temper went away.
I get the urge to beat the fuck out of someone all the time. Haven't acted on it in years though. I wish sometimes though that I could. It was cathartic. Sometime I miss the rage I carried around in my youth.
I have had my moments of clarity regarding life. Never lasts though.These days I just strive for some balance. Try to be moderate in all things while still enjoying myself as much as I can.
Works about 1/2 the time.
[Edited on May 08, 2005 8:17AM]