Tip #2: Tackle Your Stress
Listen, everyone is worried. The unknown is scary, especially when it comes down to our lives and those of our loved ones. It's totally legitimate to feel scared right now. I'm a nurse, father, I work in a hospital with inadequate personal protective equipment. I get scared. Take a minute to let that the normalcy and validity sink in, how you're feeling is a normal and appropriate response to what we're facing.
Here's the thing though, studies have shown that stress, especially chronic stress, can really impair your immune system and right now you need your immune system to be tippity top. There are lots of ways to manage stress, some of the easiest are making sure you're staying hydrated and trying to focus on your breathing throughout the day, spending time outside (you are still going outside, right?), staying connected to friends/loved ones/and communities. Those are all great healthy stress reducers. I'm sure you have some of your own (focusing on the "healthy", drugs and alcohol are blast but can't be your only coping mechanism right now).
Since it's spring there is one other thing I'd really encourage you to try. Assuming you're not sick and don't need to self quarantine, go down to your local big box hardware store (they are essential businesses so they should be open), get a package of seeds, a pot, and some potting soil. When you get home you sprout those seeds (follow the instructions regarding whether you need to sprout then plant or direct plant them in the soil) put it on your windowsill, keep it moist, and watch new life grow and take shape. If you've got room for an outdoor garden this is the PERFECT time to finally make that happen. Gardening has been scientifically proven to be one of the most centering and de-stressing activities a person can do.
Life goes on. It's spring, flowers and fruit trees are blooming, bees are buzzing, and the world is trading it's white winter coat for a green and floral one. Take care of yourselves and each other, kids.
xoxo- sexy nurse joseph