Yesterday, VERY last minute, my counter-part in the morning, Ted, was asked to deliver a DARE graduation address. (It's an organization that promotes a drug-free environment among young people). He had less than an hour to prepare, but managed to throw together a heart-felt speech about kids sticking together, not isolating anyone, and helping any friends that they think might be getting into trouble with drug use.
After the speech, he was standing there to greet the kids personally who wanted to come up and talk to him. And the first kid came up, wide-eyed, and his first thought was..."my speech really touched him..." and the first words out of the kids mouth were..."so, were you the one at the radio that was rooting for Bo or Carrie...?"
That story made me laugh and laugh this morning. What a testament to our society. More interested in American Idol...*giggle* Just for the record, he was voting for Carrie, while I was backing Bo. The power of radio will never cease to amaze me.
The Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. Picnics, noodle-salad, and for most a day off of work (unless you work in retail or radio). We've spent a lot of time this week pushing our listeners to understand what the real meaning of the holiday is. And our staff is spread out around the area at the different patriotic gatherings. Sunday evening, I'm emceeing the Legion ceremony that kicks off the 24 hour vigil. It's been a while since I have sang the National Anthem, and I have to say, nerves are setting in.
The girl is coming into town tonight for the long weekend. She's going to put an offer on the house Saturday, so should all go as planned, she'll officially be here the first of August. I'm all a-twitter thinking about having her here.
It's going to be a non-stop weekend, I wouldn't have it any other way. The weekend kicks off with a boat ride tonight. Warn breeze, cold beer, yummy tacos...great friends. It's sense-tastic.
QUESTION: Complete the following sentence..."I'm spending my Memorial Day weekend ___________"
After the speech, he was standing there to greet the kids personally who wanted to come up and talk to him. And the first kid came up, wide-eyed, and his first thought was..."my speech really touched him..." and the first words out of the kids mouth were..."so, were you the one at the radio that was rooting for Bo or Carrie...?"
That story made me laugh and laugh this morning. What a testament to our society. More interested in American Idol...*giggle* Just for the record, he was voting for Carrie, while I was backing Bo. The power of radio will never cease to amaze me.
The Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. Picnics, noodle-salad, and for most a day off of work (unless you work in retail or radio). We've spent a lot of time this week pushing our listeners to understand what the real meaning of the holiday is. And our staff is spread out around the area at the different patriotic gatherings. Sunday evening, I'm emceeing the Legion ceremony that kicks off the 24 hour vigil. It's been a while since I have sang the National Anthem, and I have to say, nerves are setting in.
The girl is coming into town tonight for the long weekend. She's going to put an offer on the house Saturday, so should all go as planned, she'll officially be here the first of August. I'm all a-twitter thinking about having her here.

It's going to be a non-stop weekend, I wouldn't have it any other way. The weekend kicks off with a boat ride tonight. Warn breeze, cold beer, yummy tacos...great friends. It's sense-tastic.
QUESTION: Complete the following sentence..."I'm spending my Memorial Day weekend ___________"
Sorry to hear about your friends loss. I am glad you could be there for him though. I have never lost a parent, but I have now lost both the grandparents who raised me. I know how hard it is to lose the pivotal people in your life.
Have I ever been in a real haunted house? Depends on who you ask. My older sister insists the house I lived in when I was born was haunted. I think she just needs something to explain why our parents were crazy.
The person I am lucky to have in my life is my daughter. She keeps me going no matter how bad things get.
I have no passion. None. It is dead.
I will probably never see Star Wars III. Not because I am avoiding it. Just because I still have not seen II. Other things I want to see more I guess. I think my intense dislike for Ep. 1 has something to do with it.
Your entry for the 22nd brought me to tears. Guilt, empathy, frustration and sorrow run through me as I type. So many things I wish had been different.
My fucking weekend was apparently not very memorable. At least the one that corresponded to that journal entry. This one is slightly more memorable for being long and occupied with people and things I would rather avoid.
And the absence of a few people I wish I could reach out to.
There is no movie I can't wait to see. I have not been going to movies much lately. I think I burnt out on them.
I am spending my Memorial day weekend working. And waiting for a phone call. That may not come. And wondering if I even want it to.