Im gonna cancel my membership- This sight was cool at first-but its lost my interest. It was nice meeting all of you- feel free to IM me anytime- Strife327.
Im not canceling for any other reason then im never on the sight anymore- so I figure i could use the money for something else.
Thanks for the good times- you are al cool as...
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Im gonna cancel my membership- This sight was cool at first-but its lost my interest. It was nice meeting all of you- feel free to IM me anytime- Strife327.
Im not canceling for any other reason then im never on the sight anymore- so I figure i could use the money for something else.
Thanks for the good times- you are al cool as...
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awww...don't go!

You punk

Im still alive.
I have been busy as hell these last few days with work and class starting and whatnot.
I went and talked to my advisor yesterday and I will graduate in May- at which point I will be moving back up to harrisburg and going to Temple for grad school.
Im going to some shows soon also- Im going to see Agnostic Front...
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I have been busy as hell these last few days with work and class starting and whatnot.
I went and talked to my advisor yesterday and I will graduate in May- at which point I will be moving back up to harrisburg and going to Temple for grad school.
Im going to some shows soon also- Im going to see Agnostic Front...
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Okay here's what you do, storm in (with all of them there of coarse) and scream at the top of your lungs "YOU BASTARDS HAVE TURNED ME GAY, I QUIT" and then storm out.

After a long night of drinking- and many other happenings- I have come to some conclusions. They are as follows- 1)life isnt that bad. 2) Im gonna be ok
That is all
My life has been a mess the last 4 months- maybe its time to clean it up......
That is all
My life has been a mess the last 4 months- maybe its time to clean it up......
and you have all your SG friends to help you thru it!!!

good luck, and be strong, life can be awesome when you give it a shot
I just spent an hour doing my dishes- I hate doing dishes.
Anyone out there want to come over for dinner? I will cook- you just have to do the dishes.
Hope you all had a good new years- mine went alot better then I thought it would and then last night I went over to a friends house and played RISK- that is such...
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Anyone out there want to come over for dinner? I will cook- you just have to do the dishes.
Hope you all had a good new years- mine went alot better then I thought it would and then last night I went over to a friends house and played RISK- that is such...
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Doing dishes does suck some major ass, I'm so happy that the house I'm staying at has a dish washer, God's invention for people like us.

I resent that! I would never do a mans dishes! unles that man were satan because then I'd be all over that! (joke!)

Ive been so busy I havent had a chance to update this mess.
Hope all of you had an excellent christmas, mine went alot better then I thought it would. I got to hang out with my one friend I havent seen in 2 years- whos birthday happens to be on Dec. 25th- so we went drinking on the night of the 25th and got...
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Hope all of you had an excellent christmas, mine went alot better then I thought it would. I got to hang out with my one friend I havent seen in 2 years- whos birthday happens to be on Dec. 25th- so we went drinking on the night of the 25th and got...
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Jesus is my holepunch! Wait a sec. . you're not my ex are you. . lol

Nope I'm not homeless but I do enjoy looking at porn in the library, more spacifically the childrens library durring story time.
p.s. Glad you're not my ex lol

p.s. Glad you're not my ex lol
Still sick...... gonna take a drill to my sinuses to drain the pressure- feels like my head is gonna explode.
I decided to get my car fixed after the little fiasco the other night. So I did and I got it back yesterday and it runs great. So that is happy.
Nothing else to report thus far on anything.
Be Excellent to Each Other
I decided to get my car fixed after the little fiasco the other night. So I did and I got it back yesterday and it runs great. So that is happy.
Nothing else to report thus far on anything.
Be Excellent to Each Other
ahahah you said yer parents don't know about a tat of yours BUT mines don't know about my belly tattoo (you can see it in my photoset, is sooo big!!!)
well, my mom knows i have something, but i didn't tell her anything, i don't know why she discovered i have something there LOL but she doens't want to ask me what i have not to give me any satisfaction
well, my mom knows i have something, but i didn't tell her anything, i don't know why she discovered i have something there LOL but she doens't want to ask me what i have not to give me any satisfaction

hope you feel better soon!
if i don't talk to ya before then, have a merry xmas!

if i don't talk to ya before then, have a merry xmas!
Ugh- of course the only time I get sick in the last 4 months is during finals week- fuckin figures. My lips are so chapped I think im just gonna cut them off.
On another not fun note- My car broke down on Monday night- when I was on my way home from work at about 1:15am- I called AAA and it took them till...
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On another not fun note- My car broke down on Monday night- when I was on my way home from work at about 1:15am- I called AAA and it took them till...
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hope your feeling better!

feel better hun. my throat decided it was gonna hate me this week so im fighting for the verb to speak. that and it was so cold this morning i could have thrown up. there was like a wind chill of -4. ew. o and you remember judas, my badass corgi? he totally peed on my mom's boyfriends arm. i'm so friggin proud
This is gonna sound weird- but I really like my new job, probably cuz I work with all women. Its just really relaxed and all the people are fun. that and there is this one really cute chick that works stock with me- god im a slut.
Im in no way gonna become a "gap person" but hey- if they are nice then i gots...
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Im in no way gonna become a "gap person" but hey- if they are nice then i gots...
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did you end up getting that car? you better of taken that battery out buddy or else ima kill you. i've decided. im naming my yeast infection after you. haha. we must shoot pool soon so you can kick my ass again.
JOhnny Bravo is hawt.
I am getting a new car next saturday- Im tired of the peice of shit I drive now- it dosent want to start when it rains and the clutch slips- which means i end up going 20mph up any hills-so its gone. I have no idea what im gonna get tho- im sure ill find something.
Today at noon is my first day of work...
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Today at noon is my first day of work...
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Good luck at work today.
Beat up some kids for me.
Beat up some kids for me.
hope you had a great 1st day!!!
watch out for the frat dude!!

So in my search for a job- i finally landed one. I am now the newest employee of the GAP. And not just any GAP- GAP kids. HAHAHAHA. It may be trendy and the what not but Im working in the stock room and getting paid $8.50 an hour- so its all good, especially since i dont have to deal with people.
I am so...
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I am so...
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wow, i can't believe you work for the gap

the gap, thats awesome. Terrorize!