Nothing to say...nothing to say. Sigh...
I got a letter from my pen pal today and it's 20 fricking pages long!! How to I respond to that? I mean, I go on and on and on, but 20 pages? Come on now!
I want a snugglely girl!!!! Is this too much to ask for? I mean, I'd take a snugglely boy, but girls smell like candy and are soft. Ahhh. I am seriously considering getting a professional snuggler. Nevada is not that far away. It'd be a new experience, right? I'd rather just snuggle with my hottie co-wker, but she said if she were ever with a girl, it'd be someone she didn't know. Damn blast it!!!! I so don't want to go to the girly bars. I don't drink or smoke, so it would be me sitting there drinking a Shirley Temple looking lonely. Real nice. I'm a nice girl, a great kisser...why the hell can't I find companionship? I think they should seek me out, come to my door and crawl in my bed and snuggle like crazy with me. I wish I were a robot with no urges or desires. That would solve a lot of my frustration. Grrrr.
Have to go walk the mutt now and then get to bed. I did nothing at work today, so I feel like I have to do double-duty tomorrow. That means being well-rested.
Sweet dreams, all. Feel free to come into my dreamworld and give me some love.

I got a letter from my pen pal today and it's 20 fricking pages long!! How to I respond to that? I mean, I go on and on and on, but 20 pages? Come on now!
I want a snugglely girl!!!! Is this too much to ask for? I mean, I'd take a snugglely boy, but girls smell like candy and are soft. Ahhh. I am seriously considering getting a professional snuggler. Nevada is not that far away. It'd be a new experience, right? I'd rather just snuggle with my hottie co-wker, but she said if she were ever with a girl, it'd be someone she didn't know. Damn blast it!!!! I so don't want to go to the girly bars. I don't drink or smoke, so it would be me sitting there drinking a Shirley Temple looking lonely. Real nice. I'm a nice girl, a great kisser...why the hell can't I find companionship? I think they should seek me out, come to my door and crawl in my bed and snuggle like crazy with me. I wish I were a robot with no urges or desires. That would solve a lot of my frustration. Grrrr.
Have to go walk the mutt now and then get to bed. I did nothing at work today, so I feel like I have to do double-duty tomorrow. That means being well-rested.
Sweet dreams, all. Feel free to come into my dreamworld and give me some love.

i'm pretty good... it's been another pretty good day... wow, i forgot what it felt like... it's amazing.
thanks again for your super kind words and *hugs* in my journal... you make me smile even more...
i really hope that you are doing well.
talk to you soon! *hugs*