I have not written in ages. I really need to be better about keeping up, and with writing in general.
Short version of happenings:
Job: Working 10 hr days and as much over-time as they will give. The job is still easy, but pays crap, and the soap opera people that work there really get to me sometimes. Wish I could work at home again and make great money, but that had a set of problems all its own. I want to do the phone thing part-time, but I've yet to start doing it (tired and been sick). The whole thing makes me say "GRRR!"
Money: Savings is gone. We are officially living paycheck to paycheck. It stresses me out. I have tons of stuff to sell on EBay, and no time to post it all. Nice. I really need to make time to do that. On a good note, we have not yet had to touch our moving fund at all, and it is growing slowly, but surely.
Apartment: It is still a mess, and part of me wishes we could move to a smaller (aka cheaper) place, but with two of the cats sick we need the extra space right now (they each have their own "suites"), and the expensive and stress of moving would suck ass. Plus, I love our view.
Love: Brian and I seem to be falling deeper in love with each other lately. It feels really good to let go and trust. His birthday is in a few days (Dec 5th) and I've planned super-cool (and oddly inexpensive) stuff for him. Yay.
Me: Funny how I put myself last. I wonder what the order of my list says about me. Hmm. I went to Thanksgiving (and brought Brian to meet them) for the first time in 8 or so years. I haven't seen more than 3 people in my family in that long or longer. I wanted to look at them with adult eyes and see if they are still crazy, and figure out if how they seem to me changes the way I feel about myself. I've had a huge fear of seeing them for many reasons. I did it. Brian met them. It was harder than I thought it would be. But, I survived. I am still processing the experience, but I feel more peaceful in some ways now. Interesting.
I hope all of you in cyberland are well. I miss my online life and the people in it.
xoxoxo and have a good holiday season.
Short version of happenings:
Job: Working 10 hr days and as much over-time as they will give. The job is still easy, but pays crap, and the soap opera people that work there really get to me sometimes. Wish I could work at home again and make great money, but that had a set of problems all its own. I want to do the phone thing part-time, but I've yet to start doing it (tired and been sick). The whole thing makes me say "GRRR!"
Money: Savings is gone. We are officially living paycheck to paycheck. It stresses me out. I have tons of stuff to sell on EBay, and no time to post it all. Nice. I really need to make time to do that. On a good note, we have not yet had to touch our moving fund at all, and it is growing slowly, but surely.
Apartment: It is still a mess, and part of me wishes we could move to a smaller (aka cheaper) place, but with two of the cats sick we need the extra space right now (they each have their own "suites"), and the expensive and stress of moving would suck ass. Plus, I love our view.
Love: Brian and I seem to be falling deeper in love with each other lately. It feels really good to let go and trust. His birthday is in a few days (Dec 5th) and I've planned super-cool (and oddly inexpensive) stuff for him. Yay.
Me: Funny how I put myself last. I wonder what the order of my list says about me. Hmm. I went to Thanksgiving (and brought Brian to meet them) for the first time in 8 or so years. I haven't seen more than 3 people in my family in that long or longer. I wanted to look at them with adult eyes and see if they are still crazy, and figure out if how they seem to me changes the way I feel about myself. I've had a huge fear of seeing them for many reasons. I did it. Brian met them. It was harder than I thought it would be. But, I survived. I am still processing the experience, but I feel more peaceful in some ways now. Interesting.
I hope all of you in cyberland are well. I miss my online life and the people in it.
xoxoxo and have a good holiday season.

hope you have a great holiday