I'll be changing my pics again, just so that i can somehow show al the girls on this site that i find cute, or apealing to the eye, but fractal and cherry stay, my 2 faves, so , i dont know, so beautiful, in their own ways, but .... mmmm... dont know.... just commenting...... complementing..... whatever.
Today is the biog day. i go to work and try to run the whole store for the next three days with out the big ma, im terrified, my "co workers" like to dick me iover when i try to get them to work for me during the week, i hope theyre not like that on the weekend, i have backups i can call, but they haven't come through for me so far this week... im scared, and due to my fear i cause and take out unneccassary assholeyness on my beloved ittykitty of doom...... im sorry, im an asshole, i just dont know what to do and i hate asking for help.... i have problems, ....... hopefully oneday i'll be able to figure myself out, until then i hope i make friends and keep the ones i have........
Today is the biog day. i go to work and try to run the whole store for the next three days with out the big ma, im terrified, my "co workers" like to dick me iover when i try to get them to work for me during the week, i hope theyre not like that on the weekend, i have backups i can call, but they haven't come through for me so far this week... im scared, and due to my fear i cause and take out unneccassary assholeyness on my beloved ittykitty of doom...... im sorry, im an asshole, i just dont know what to do and i hate asking for help.... i have problems, ....... hopefully oneday i'll be able to figure myself out, until then i hope i make friends and keep the ones i have........

So, did it go away?
[Edited on Sep 19, 2003]