Power1: http://www.kollaboration.org/movie/kos.wmv
Power2: Choose group 94-90 then click on number 92
Power3: choose the top left one, then choose the middle one on the right

Seriously i just hate everyone, i got this letter today saying i owe 330 dollars to a company that thinks i stole their cable modem box, those fucks, i mean com on, why would i take a modem box.
fuck them, i hate them. i also hate the kids across the street now also, minus luke, he's still cool, but for how long, Yeah they were cool, friendly, open, grateful i cam by, then they find out im not "rich" and that i have little to no money, and bug on me, now all they do is taunt me, cat call and make fun of me, fuck them to. And i need a hundred dollars for probation not to send me to jail, and....
im sorry i just am really angry at the world for being such a dick right now, but it's only being like that because i made it that way for myself, now i have to live with my consequences.
Either way, i'll be fine, just having a moment.....
Song of the day:
Lets Hula Hoop Anyways, Revenge Of Dr. Mario
And yes, I have kissed in the rain before. I just want it right now as well.