Happy Monday to all!
How was everyones weekend? I hope well
I didn't do to much just cleaned and dusted like a fool and when I wasn't doing that I was playing video games.
It was great I had the chance just to hang out and have me time. I think we all need a few days like that.

As for today I noticed Chuck...
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Hey, hope your surviving the snow and overall crappy michigan weather. Remember to smile smile and keep your creative spirit alive!
happy easter mister. hope you get some good candies xxxooo hugs to you!
Well I found out what I'm doing on new years. I plan on drinking till the hurting goes away and then drink a little bit more after that.
I'm over the holidays my god! Christmas blew, I'm now single, New Years looks like its going to be a drag and I hate girls at this moment(no offense). I give up on love, I'm throwing in...
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Dont turn gay just yet heh
I just noticed that I have no idea what Im doing for new years.
It seems every year plans fall through last minute so I kinda wanna figure out what im doing. I know this,
I wanna do something fun but I have no idea what to do. I deff dont want to go to a bar cause that yells out dui and house party's...
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hehe thats a funny idea
i feel your pain
i also have no idea wut im doing
but im sure something fun will come around
I woke this morning to find a nice white blanket of snow covering everything outside. Ahh the beauty of snow it holds magical power. Like the power to drive 10mph on the express way, or the power to make me 45min late for work cause people dont know how to drive in snow. I dont get it, if your going to drive 10 then why...
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Ive been finding myself watching more and more tv lately. I know its not a good thing but I blame the cold weather for doing this to me. And damn Chuck! I'm addicted to that show. Its always fun rooting for the underdog and besides that I like the nerdy humor............... Damn that thing called t.v.

So how was everyones turkey day? I hope you...
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omfg!!!!!!!!! chuck is like sooooo awesome ive gotten into so many shows id never normally watch.
mr st clair shores we should hang out and bitch about love tongue
So how was everyones weekend? I hope you all did a ton of killer things cause I didnt!
I was soooooooooo lazy, I hung out in a laundry-o-mat friday, with bob the pedophile. Bob was kinda freaky he sat across from me and continuously undressed me with his eyes which was kinda sexy but it was more gross then sexy. From time to time Bob...
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bonding is the best smile

bob the pedophile? yiiiiiikes but obviously he undresses u with his eyes, i know i do tongue
i got my comfortor stuck in my washing machine LOL help me!!
xxoo wink kiss
May you all wake up next to some strange face
Wondering what the hell you did

Cheers to all and have a great safe weekend!!!!
omg how hot are you for thinkin dean is the shit wink kiss love
I woke up today to find it snowing!!!frown
I HATE THE SNOW!! What happened to our summer?
Or better yet what about fall, its was hot then all of the sudden its cold.
There was no in between,,,,,Michigan weather is awful!!!
Drama drama drama! This past week my sister salon lost three stylists which isnt a good thing. One left to become a makeup artist, which is fine because its a life long dream of his and he couldn't pass up the offer. The other two left to go to another salon which come to find out the grass isnt always greener on the other side....
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Yes yes I know its been awhile since Ive been on but hey some times life comes first.
Soooooo hows everyone doing? I hope all is well and you don't need bail money.
If ya do I cant help ya out cause daddy needs to go out tonight and drink the pain away,,,,I wanna drink till I cant feel anymore. Ok not really but its...
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Hero's is back on its the weekend, the weather is great and its movie night with Nicole!!! Oh happy days

I just hope this years season closer is better then last years. There was a ton of hype and at the end of it all I was a tad bit disappointed. But hey its a new season and a new start so who knows what...
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