Unlike Demeter,the Catholic Mary has no daughter. Her only contact with divinity is through her "servicing" of men:be it the Holy Father or her own son. Catholic mythology, as shown in Fra Bartholommeo's painting, symbolizes the enforced splitting of woman into either mother or whore-both of whom nurture,worship, and ultimately mourn a dead man and/or a divine male infant. Like many women, Mary foregoes sexual pleasure,physical prowess,and economic and intellectual power in order to become a "mother". Sigmund Freud has said that: " A mother is only brought unlimited satisfaction by her relation to a son;that altogether the most perfect, the most free from ambivalence of all human relationships."

i got no beef wit you at all. its none of my bidness, but you seem like you gotta good heart and you is a bit twisted over this girl. i could really care less about the whole situation. the internet is far from real, but i suggest you cut your losses with her, it seems to hurt you more than her. but whatever, what do i know, right?i am not emotionally invovled. i agree that raza is raza but its not like i wanna be best friends with you or nothing, no disrespect, but i am the way i am. be cool and i wish you nothing but the best. take care of you and stay off that shit, i know how it is my friend. easier said than done, no?