I realize nobody really cares what I think. this knowledge is the same as growing up. I have never been able to fathom real life. I am best suited to be a hunter/gatherer perpetually on the verge os starvation, but making up songs as I go. This is not much of a carer option these days but I've tried to make a go of it. Thanks for all the pretty pictures.
a woman came over the other night and made off with $400, my bike and my camera. Also any loose change I had lying around. it was just like being married but in a succinct way. No wasted time. I didn't really love her of course but I was willing too. She pressed all my buttons one by one.
a woman came over the other night and made off with $400, my bike and my camera. Also any loose change I had lying around. it was just like being married but in a succinct way. No wasted time. I didn't really love her of course but I was willing too. She pressed all my buttons one by one.