Saturday Oct 22, 2005 Oct 22, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm about ready to disappear again, for good this time. It's been real. VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS xip: holy shit man!! and I just found you!! well hey, my screenname on AIM is happinessOplenty, if you have an AIM or AOL screenname and would like to contact me... I'd give you an email address but I am really too negligent with my email account for it to do anyone any good xip Nov 12, 2005 xip: IMing does take up an unfortunate shitload of my time. Give me convenience or give me death xip Nov 15, 2005
well hey, my screenname on AIM is happinessOplenty, if you have an AIM or AOL screenname and would like to contact me... I'd give you an email address but I am really too negligent with my email account for it to do anyone any good