Promise I'll start updating more on here... been busy with well life and well film school... hehehe
Hope all is well with all of you!
Hit me up on Facebook (AaronOi) or MySpace (JohnRitchie)... I check those more often!

PS: Yes, she's my bitch and have a total fetish for her... deal. Also a couple new pics of my ugly mug.... since it has been like two years since I posted any new pics... haha

Hope all is well with all of you!
Hit me up on Facebook (AaronOi) or MySpace (JohnRitchie)... I check those more often!

PS: Yes, she's my bitch and have a total fetish for her... deal. Also a couple new pics of my ugly mug.... since it has been like two years since I posted any new pics... haha

Tank Girl is awesome. Don't let anybody give you shit over her. Hope school is going well.
Oh people don't give me shit for her! Total opposite in fact! hehe and yes school is going AMAZINGLY well!