I think the rough stuff is behind me now. I made it through the night and the day is going fast, so I'm through beating myself up. Big thanks to my friends both on here and elsewhere. Sorry I was being such a
hey, sorry i wasn't around when it looked like you needed someone - i'm glad to see you're coming to the other side. hey, i'm not in the program or anything, but dry - if you ever need a buddy, i'm there, okay?
I did a stupid thing today. I made one of the very few people I really care about really fucking mad at me because I didn't think about what I was doing. I fucked up and made her worry needlessly and I did it for an incredibly stupid reason. I would never in 10 million years intentionally hurt her and I hope she knows this... Read More
My trip is over. I am no longer happy. Sleeping alone again really SUCKS ASS. I miss my girl, come see me, PLEASE. This situation is going to HAVE to change, long distance shit just SUCKS.
OK, here's the deal, in just a few short days I will be on that plane and then I will be happier than a...happier than a....hap...oh fuck it, I'll be a GAWD DAMNED happy motherfucker.
Up until the day I leave though, I will be involved in something that thus far has proven to be good for quite a few laffs. Go ahead and check... Read More
An fnf Tagen sind Sie hier, und ich bin glckliches OH- so!! Ich kann nicht warten. Ich vergesse nicht, Sie vom Flughafen abzuholen, obwohl ich verga, meine Hauptarbeit zu erledigen!! Traurig!! Ich bin sicher, da Sie rber sie zwar erhalten, weil ich schlechter Esel bin und Sie mich und ich liebe Dich! lieben!
Wenn Sie eine Wahrscheinlichkeit erhalten, stellen Sie, Ihren Affen herauszunehmen und ihn einige Male zu verprgeln sicher, bevor Sie hier erhalten. Ich wnsche Sie nicht Ihre Last ganz ber irgendeinem unschuldigem Zuschauer durchbrennend, der wartet, um irgendeinen langen verlorenen Verwandten aufzuheben. Das wrde nicht fr Sie oder die ffentlichkeit gut sein. Manchmal wnsche ich, da ich Sie Ihre Last ganz ber meinem Esel durchbrennen lassen knnte und ihn dann oben mit Ihrer haarigen Zunge lecke.
well, i'd be totally happy to look around for that kind of stuff for you, but i couldn't do it until january or so, as i am so fucking broke that (as pathetic as this sounds) i actually couldn't even afford to PURCHASE a cd, let alone mail it...
but, i will let you know next time i see either band and i'll keep an eye out in the local music shops as well...
Damn, I've been slacking on updating this damn thing.
Well, here's what's going on in my exciting world. I'm settled pretty well into my job although the guy who works before my shift on Saturdays seems to be taking advantage of me being the new guy, either that or he's just a slack assed bitch who needs a kick in the ass or three.
Thanks for popping me in the aging punks group. I appreciate it. There's some real interesting discussions in there. I like it a lot. I'm still going through the old threads and adding my two cents where nescessary. If you have any questions or are looking for any bands, and tunes you can't find like me know, I might be able to help. Please feel free to contact me directly. Thanks again, and take care.
OK, I guess I'm waaaaaay overdue for an update here. I got a job, nothing too exciting, I'm working in a health food store, but hey, I didn't come here for excitement. Anyway, things are pretty good just a little boring as I have NO IDEA what goes on in this town for fun and I know nobody. I do have an exciting trip planned... Read More
I am very very happy to hear that you're doing better!