In a recent youtubing "random" search i tend to like to do when my friends and i are hanging out and have the opportunity to be "Keyboard Master" i searched "beebs" in an effort to find someone randomly and repetitively babbling the word Bewbs (which i later noticed i typed incorrectly). ANYWAYS.... it lend to click on a music video of Beebs and her money...
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Since finally joining this site, ive had some recent ideas. I'm just now getting comfortable blogging and i really enjoy it because its great to vent my brain though i still have yet to build an audience. Hopefully that changes. I think ill hash out some ideas ive had over the past few days. \

I tried searching for a group for people of a...
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Today I turn 25. Makes me realize im just now half way to 50. but last night i gathered (successfully which is a miracle within itself) my close inner circle of friends consisting of 7. Though i did invite a handful of others, they just couldnt make it. We went to the nearest outback steakhouse cause its been a decent amount of time since i...
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Cant wait for spring to arrive. So tired of all the snow car. Miss my baby miata. Hoping the repairs are going well at the body shop. Its got alot of "presents" waiting for it when it comes back home.